Page 233 - Brewers Catalogue 2024
P. 233

WP176                WP178                WP1049                 WP179
                WP325                Ultralight     Millenium Navigation Kit  Professional Brass Pencil   Millenium
                NaviTote         Dividers/Compass                               Compass           Dividers/Compass

                                                            WP290  ROADrule USATONS
                                                          Displays 38 navigation aid definitions
                                                             Displays 12 rules of the road
                                                             Identifies bridge lighting and
                                                                 Intercoastal waterway aids,  plastic

                     Elegant Navigation Kit

         WP100    Coast Guard Kit
                                                            WP105                WP512V-6  (pack of 6)
         Includes;                                          Nautical Slide Rule   WP512V-12  (pack of 12)
         WP176 ultralight divider,                                               Vecta-Rose
         WP7291 spare leads,                                Speed in knots or mph   Pressure sensitive compass
         WP120 parallel plotter,                            minutes or seconds and   rose can be applied directly
         WP105 nautical slide rule and                      distance in nautical or   to charts Can be oriented to
         WP113 course and leg identifier and                statute miles (or yards)   true or magnetic north for a
         instructions all in a reusable plastic pouch.      Easy to read & accurate  handy reference.

                                                                                    WP501V   Vec Vectormaster
                                              WP90 Paralock Plotter
                                                                                Circular slide rule provides for the
                                              Parallel rule in a compact size
                                                                                solution of time, speed,distance, fuel
                                              Locking knob,
             Be Sure to check on-line for a   2 sets of finger holes,
             full line of Weems & Plath       marked graduations                conversions,
             Navigation Tools                 Millimeter scale                  multiplication
                                              across bottom                     and division

        WP138 18” Aluminum Arm              WP140 12” Aluminum Arm              WP141 15” Aluminum Arm

        WP142 15” Deluxe Brass Arm          WP145 15” Value Parallel Arm

            212                 Phone: 1-800-263-8328
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