Page 250 - Brewers Catalogue 2024
P. 250
Glomex Antennas
RA109SLS RA109GRP RA106SLSPB6135 RA106GRPPB6135 RA300
3ft. Stainless 3ft VHF 15ft of coax cable 15ft cable, solderless 4' 6dB Universal fit marine
Steel Masthead Fiberglass RA135 mount connector and mount VHF Antenna with FME
Antenna termination, fiberglass tube
VHF Antenna RA106GRPSB25
Kit 82ft cable, and a
with no cable RA300AIS
solderless connector AIS is a monitoring
RA106SLSFME system of naval traffic,
useful for navigation safety
FME termination with difficult meteorological
kit includes: FME termination conditions (fog or nocturnal
navigation)(4’), with a gain
3ft, 3DB
Stainless Steel 3ft, 3DB Fiberglass of 6dB,5/8”x24 threaded
Aluminum masthead
bracket RA303
4ft extension for above
RA2022 RA112 RA1206NY RA1201 RA1225
5ft Fibreglass Masthead -nylon bottom -nylon bottom 8’ VHF antenna with VHF Commercial grade
Antenna with bracket RA112CR RA1206CR chrome integrated Antenna 8ft, 6DB
and 60ft of cable ferrule
-chrome bottom -chrome bottom
– 6dB – 20’ RG58 coax, RA1225FME
no connector with FME termination
5ft Fibreglass 8ft Fibreglass recommended for power
Antenna Antenna boats and big yachts
supplied with: supplied with:
coax connector coax connector
and 15’ of cable and 15’ of cable
The antenna is protected Compact 8” VHF 12” Dome VHF antenna
by a tapered synthetic antenna matches VT300 matches V9126 for RA128 RA127
rubber tube and can be for aesthetically aesthetically pleasing 5ft Fibreglass 5ft Fibreglass
installed, on either sail- pleasing symmetrical symmetrical layout
boats or motorboats. layout. Antenna Antenna
Comes with 30ft (9m) for Powerboats. for Powerboats
of coaxial cable supplied with 20’ supplied with 15’
Height: of cable and plug. of cable
140mm (5")
8ft Fibreglass
for Powerboats.
supplied with 20’
of cable and plug. 229