Page 53 - Brewers Catalogue 2024
P. 53

Automatic Bilge Cleaner                   Boat Zoap
            Heavy Duty, concentrated formula.   All purpose, non-caustic cleaner that        Zoap & Shine
            Dissloves & combines grease,oil and    works in fresh or salt, hot or cold water
                                                                                 Wash & wax, protects and shines while
            scum with bilge water.  Kills odour   Use on your hull, decks, pots, dishes and   washing away dirt and grime in one step
             98% biodegradable                your sails
            SY800Q  32oz(946ml)               SY805Q   32oz(946ml)
            SY800G  128oz(3.785l)             SY805G   128oz(3.785l)             SY809   32oz(946ml)

                     Boat Zoap Plus
            Heavy Duty, double action removes scum     Hull Cleaner & Stain Remover        Marine Toilet Conditioner
            smudges, oil and grease.Use on fiberglass   Instantly removes deep stains, rust &   Cleans, lubricates, deoderizes all parts
            Not for use on fabrics,100% biodegrad-
                                              growths from fiberglass, gelcoat and   of marine toilets.  Non-caustic, fresh or
            able                              aluminum with no scrubbing         salt water.  95% biodegradable
            SY810Q   32oz(946ml)               SY815   32oz(946ml)               SY825   32oz(946ml)
            SY810G   128oz(3.785l)

                       Aqua Fresh!
            For fresh tasting,odor-free drinking   HD Fiberglass Powder Cleaner
            waterfrom fiberglass, plastic or metal   Heavy duty, scratch-free, all purpose          Spray-all
            tanks.  Handy packets get emptied in the   cleaner for fiberglass. Removes water-  All purpose cleaner for black streaks,
            tank.                             line                               grease,oxidation and rust from all
                  eight 2oz packets (0.6kg)   stains,algae,rust,exhaust,oxidation and   surfaces
                                              grime. 95% biodegradeable

                   SY830  box                 SY840  1 lb,10oz (.74kg)
                                                                                 SY845   32oz(946ml)

            32                  Phone: 1-800-263-8328
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