Page 29 - Brewers Catalogue 2024
P. 29
Painting Guide
Interlux offers a complete system for every boat bottom
Bottom Paint Solvent for Additional Bottom Thinner &
System wipedown Primer Paint brush cleaner
Antifouling paint Interlux antifoul-
on previously 216Q -- -- 216Q
painted bottoms ing of choice
Antifouling paint Interlux antifoul-
on bare fiberglass 202Q Interprotect -- 2316N
bottom ing of choice
Antifoul on props,
tabs, outdrives & 202Q Interprotect 984Q Tri-lux II 2316N
outboard motors.
Interlux offers a complete system for the topside
Topsides, decks Solvent for Primer Thinner &
Primer Topcoat
& brightwork wipedown Thinner brush cleaner
Topside previously 4279 or Brightside
333Q 333Q
painted with alkyd Polyurethane 333Q
enamels 4280
Topside previously
painted with two 2333N 404/414 -- Perfection 2333N
part polyurethane
Bare fiberglass top- 4279 or Brightside
sides 202Q 333Q 333Q
(alkyd enamels) 4280 Polyurethane
Bare fiberglass
topsides 202Q 404/414 2316N Perfection 2333N
(two-part polyur.)
How Much Paint Do You Need? Here’s a chart for basic guidelines.
Type and size Topside Enamel Bottom Waterline Deck Varnish Interior -Normal paint
requirements 2-coats
10’ Dinghy 1qt 1qt -- -- -- 1.5qts --
14’ Outboard 1qt 1qt 1qt -- 1pt 1qt --
-For repainting or
18’ Runabout 1qt 2qts 2qts 1pt 1qt 1pt --
revarnishing w/two
20’ Sailboat 2qts 2qts 3qts 1pt 1gal 2 qts --
24’ Runabout 2qts 2qts 3qts 1pt 1qt 1.5qts --
30’ Sailboat 3qts 1gal 1.5gals 1pt 2qts 2qts 2qts
-For new or bare
32’ Cruiser 3qts 1gal 1.5gals 1pt 2qts 2qts 2qts
surfaces, double the
36’ Auxiliary 5qts 2gals 2gals 1pt 1gal 1gal 3qts
40’ Cruiser 5qts 2.5gals 2gals 1pt 1.5gals 1gal 1gal
Or use these helpful formulae to calculate surface area
Bottom LOA x BEAM x 0.85 = Wetted surface area
Topsides (LOA + BEAM) x 2 x Average Freeboard = Area
Decks (LOA x BEAM x 0.75) = Area
Note: the area taken up by a coach roof, cockpit etc will have to be subtracted in many cases.
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