Page 500 - Brewers Catalogue 2024
P. 500
Masterview Masterlink
77010305 Remote Panel
3.5” Touch Screen 70405050 APC
Chargemaster Battery Charges
volt amp battery
44010250 12 25 3
44310355 12 35 3
DC-DC Converter
for 12, 24 and 48V
77020115 77030475
Mastershunt Combi interface
81400300 24/12v 12a
81400330 24/12v 24a
81400350 24/12v 50a
81400400 12/24v 3a
81400500 12/24v 7a
COMBIMASTER The automatic AC transfer system switches
between generator or mains and inverter output, ensuring a constant power
supply. Its Power Assist function prevents tripping of the mains fuse in case 77040000
you’re connected to a weak land line or small generator.
Reliable, hum-free and longer The terminator ensures
part # Watts Amp
operation from your batteries. interference-free operation,
35512000 2000 17
prevents reflection of data
35513000 3750 16.5 signals and ensures high
35522000 3000 21 communication speeds
35523000 4500 25
ChargeMaster Plus is the next generation battery chargers that integrates multiple functions into one single
device. Replacing auxiliary chargers, battery isolators and VSR. It charges virtually any combination of three
batteries at high speed Dimension: 15.1 x 9.8 x 5” Models with the addition CZone do not only support
MasterBus, but also support CZone and NMEA 2000 communication, without the need of additional interfaces.
part # Volts Amp Banks Battery capacity
44310505 120/240 3.5 2+1 200 -400 Ah
44310755 120/230 6.5 2+1 320-800 Ah *Czone
44311005 120/230 8.5 2+1 400-1000 Ah *Czone 479